Article de revue: ID no. (ISBN etc.):  0022-0663 Clé de citation BibTeX:  Sherman2009
Sherman, J., & Bisanz, J. (2009). Equivalence in symbolic and nonsymbolic contexts: Benefits of solving problems with manipulatives. Journal of educational psychology, 101(1), pp. 88–100.
Ajoutée par: Lynda Taabane 2009-10-16 09:15:26
Catégories: Résolution de problèmes mathématiques
Descripteurs: COMPREHENSION, equal sign, equivalence, Learning, mapping, mathematic comprehension, mathematical symbols, Mathematics (Concepts), problem solving, Teaching Methods
Auteurs: Bisanz, Sherman
Collection: Journal of educational psychology

Nombre de vues:  271
Popularité:  24.73%

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